
Director Casey Neistat Uses ‘Walter Mitty’ Marketing Budget to Help Typhoon Victims [VIDEO]
Director Casey Neistat Uses ‘Walter Mitty’ Marketing Budget to Help Typhoon Victims [VIDEO]
Director Casey Neistat Uses ‘Walter Mitty’ Marketing Budget to Help Typhoon Victims [VIDEO]
Director Casey Neisiat received an email from 20th Century Fox about making a video for a promo campaign that motived and inspired people to live their dreams and do something they've never done. The video would coincide with the release of the film 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.'
Selena Gomez Meets Fan for Make-a-Wish Foundation
Selena Gomez Meets Fan for Make-a-Wish Foundation
Selena Gomez Meets Fan for Make-a-Wish Foundation
Justin Bieber told Oprah Winfrey during his 'Oprah's Next Chapter' interview that he loved girlfriend Selena Gomez for a variety of reasons, but the main one was her big, generous heart. That heart is on full, open display in this video, where the singer/actress met with a fan and made her Make-a-Wish Foundation dream come true.