This Saturday is National Coffee Day. It's a day to celebrate, joe, java, brew, wakey juice, it's a day to celebrate coffee. This year you can celebrate the goodness that is coffee and help out local kids.
Miracle Treat Day 2018 has officially ended but what a Miracle Treat Day! Thank you to everyone who came out and bought a Blizzard. All funds raised yesterday will got to our local Children's Miracle Network. They will stay local to help local kids.
Buy a Blizzard and help local kids. It's something very easy to do to make a difference. You get a sweet treat and help out local kids here in the Texas Panhandle.
New challenges bring new experiences. For years, I have watched from across the street, as Mix 94.1 participated in the Children's Miracle Network mediathon.
It's that time of year where we come together and celebrate the Children's Miracle Network. We join together for our annual Radiothon. This year we are trying something a little different. We are celebrating Miracle Week and we invite you to join us for all the fun.
You know a company is amazing and doing well when it can open up multiple locations. Amarillo Auto Clean is one of those local businesses that is doing great and opening up a new location.
It's time to make plans with your family, friends, co-workers, strangers, to have lunch, snack or dinner at Jersey Mike's on Wednesday, March 28th. It is their annual day of giving and once again our friends at our local Jersey Mike's will be donating 100% of sales to our Children's Miracle Network.