Anytime that anything happens around Amarillo about new places to eat I am the first person people turn to for answers. The same is true when there is a change in an existing place.
When I bought my last home I really loved it. It was in the area I dreamed of living in. It had all the room I could possibly want. It needed work. I was ok with that. It just felt like home to me.
When you are looking for a new home which one room do you concentrate on the most? A lot of people just want a good kitchen. We spend a lot of time in their. I mean if we eat at home we sure do.
It's been a long few months and nobody knows it more that people who frequent the Chick-fil-A on Coulter. It's been a few months since they announced their closing for a remodel. It's something that they knew was the perfect time for it o happen.