
Mommy Blogger April B. –  The Dot on My Hand
Mommy Blogger April B. – The Dot on My Hand
Mommy Blogger April B. – The Dot on My Hand
I am a writer. And today I have writer's block. As you might imagine, that happens from time to time. I've learned over the years, when my brain freezes up and I can't think of an idea or a topic or even a simple line to get me going, it's best to just start writing what I'm thinking... even if it's not what I intended, or even wanted, to write about.
Stressed at Work? It’s Probably Your Parents’ Fault
Stressed at Work? It’s Probably Your Parents’ Fault
Stressed at Work? It’s Probably Your Parents’ Fault
It might be easy to blame your boss for all the work-related stress and high anxiety coursing through your veins, but a new study suggests that you might want to start pointing the finger at your family instead. Well, sort of. Scientists have found that genetics play a significant role in how you react to your work environment.

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