Needing To Pay Your Water Bill? Expect Some Delay In Amarillo.Needing To Pay Your Water Bill? Expect Some Delay In Amarillo.Before you get too excited, it isn't making your bill go away. Things will get back to business as usual.CharlieCharlie
Need To Pay Your Amarillo Water Bill On The Weekend? Now You Can.Need To Pay Your Amarillo Water Bill On The Weekend? Now You Can.The City of Amarillo Utility Billing Mobile Unit (that's a mouth full) exists to do one thing, and one thing only; strive to make paying your bill easier.CharlieCharlie
City of Amarillo's New Location For Utility Billing Mobile UnitCity of Amarillo's New Location For Utility Billing Mobile UnitThe Utility Billing Mobile Unit gets a new home, and we're wondering what Mobile Units the city should make next.CharlieCharlie