Update: Gooney's Gives Heartbreaking Reason For Closure

In a post earlier today, Gooney's announced that there has been a death in the family. They will be taking time off to be with family. They also posted that they will need time to adjust the menu, and hire help.

Our thoughts are with the family.


We're only a few days into 2023, and we're already seeing news of a restaurant closing in Yellow City. This one, apparently, came as quite a shock to several of its biggest supporters. The year has started with the announcement that Gooney's is closed until further notice.


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Gooney's In Amarillo Suddenly Announced The Closure

It seemed to catch everyone by surprise. Just a week or so ago they were wishing everyone a merry Christmas. Before that they shared a post naming them a local business of the week.

On New Year's Eve, they announced they were going to be closed. Then, yesterday afternoon, they announced that they would be closed until further notice.

No Reason Given For Gooney's Being Closed

The comments are full of support, with only a few asking for a reason. Going back to a previous post, there are comments that suggest a possible health related reason.

If that is the case, respect the privacy of everyone involved and offer up your prayers, good vibes, support...whatever positivity you put out into the universe on behalf of other people.

Hoping For The Best For Gooney's In Amarillo

I enjoy Gooney's. I've ordered takeout from there on several occasions. If I'm downtown at night and start feeling hungry, it was a spot I usually found myself at.

The hot and spicy beef was my go-to.

Hoping for the best, and that all is well and getting better. The news of their closing is sad, but hopefully "until further notice" doesn't mean a long time. Hopefully we get that "further notice" sooner rather than later.

Amarillo's Restaurant Closings in 2022

We hated to see these places go!

New in 2022: All The Restaurants That Have Opened in Amarillo So Far!

We love all the new places for drinks and food! There seems to be so many that we can't keep track of it all so we've made a list and we're adding to it as we go along! Be sure to see what other new places have been featured when you can

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday For a Hamburger Today

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