Do You Know If We Have A Public Access TV Channel In Amarillo
I have searched Google. I have searched YouTube. I have searched Wikipedia. Where is Amarillo's public access TV channel?
The closest I got from the Google search was Panhandle PBS. The Wikipedia article (updated in August of last year) about PEG stations in the US lists only the city of Amarillo's website for us.
Where are the amateur call-in shows? Where are the music videos? Where is the programming that caters to the various communities within Amarillo?
Imagine it with me. We could have a show highlighting local bands, playing their music videos.
There could be local sports and athletic events. Local professional wrestling sounds like it would be a good fit. We could have local food shows. There could even be a local kids' Saturday morning TV show.
Hell, we have enough antique stores in town to have our own roadshow.
On top of all that, we would have no shortage of opportunities for religious programming from all faiths and walks.
I know we already have some locally focused YouTube channels and podcasts out there. That's just not as easily and readily accessible to everyone.
YouTube is too crowded, and we're not trying to reach people all over the world; just here. Podcasts are the audio version of craft beer. You only like them so your friends think you're interesting.
We need a public access TV channel in Amarillo that is by the people, for the people.
I wish I knew where to get started to make it happen.
If you do know, reach out to me. I don't need to hear why it can't happen, or why we don't need it. I need people of the "here's how we get it done" mentality.