Zac Hanson Welcomes Son!
Congratulations to Zac Hanson on the birth of a new baby!
The Hanson drummer, 28, and his wife, Kate, 29, welcomed son George Abraham Walker on Oct. 17. The infant, who will go by the name Abraham, joins big brother John, 5, and sister, Junia, 2, in the Hanson family. He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.
"We are very excited to share the addition of George Abraham Walker Hanson to our growing family," Zac tells PEOPLE. "Abraham is healthy and we are happily sharing a little down time together as a family."
Zac shared a photo of him and Abraham with the magazine, and as you can guess, it is absolutely adorable. Check it out here.
For those keeping out, baby Abraham makes the 10th child for the Hanson brothers!