
My Kind of Christmas
My Kind of Christmas
My Kind of Christmas
I just love the Christmas season. I love the warmth and glitz you see everywhere. I love how sparkly everything is, with just a little oomph you don't see the rest of the year. I love the deals. I love how everything is packaged so nicely in pretty boxes with bows and ribbons. You don't see that the rest of the year.
Watch How Someone Paying for Your Groceries Can Change Your Day
Watch How Someone Paying for Your Groceries Can Change Your Day
Watch How Someone Paying for Your Groceries Can Change Your Day
You know it is always amazing to see people pay it forward.  Imagine you were standing in line at the grocery store.  You already know about how much your groceries will add up to be, let's face it, after years of grocery shopping you have learned to judge.  Say you have a huge family and your grocery bill comes out to over $400, how would you react if someone told you that you didn't have to pay
Who Needs to Celebrate a Holiday Let’s Go Shop
Who Needs to Celebrate a Holiday Let’s Go Shop
Who Needs to Celebrate a Holiday Let’s Go Shop
So we have finally reached that point in society where holidays are no longer holidays.  It is an excuse to save money and buy things.  Who wants to spend time with their family.  I mean we'll all be on our phones, tablets, and laptops ignoring each other.  So what does Thanksgiving or Christmas matter anyway.  Heck, we should just cancel the holidays all together and we all work.  Who needs time
Now You Can Buy Fart Filtering Underwear
Now You Can Buy Fart Filtering Underwear
Now You Can Buy Fart Filtering Underwear
When you have gas it can be painful.  Sometimes you just have to let it go, but most people won't because they are afraid of the smell.  So they just deal with the pain until they can get to their own bathroom, because, let's face it ladies who wants to let it go in a public bathroom.  People laugh.  Guys usually don't care and let it go where ever or they crop dust down a hallway.  Anyway I digre
Relive Your Childhood with an Adult Sized Big Wheel
Relive Your Childhood with an Adult Sized Big Wheel
Relive Your Childhood with an Adult Sized Big Wheel
Remember as a child barreling down the driveway onto the sidewalk on your Big Wheel.  You felt like you go do anything.  Hauling booty down the street was a thrill.  An even bigger thrill was the flag pole attached to your Big Wheel flapping in the wind.  Well, guess what. You can relive that childhood awesomeness when you ride your adult sized big wheel.
How A Trip To Walmart For Bottled Water Ended Up Costing Me $200
How A Trip To Walmart For Bottled Water Ended Up Costing Me $200
How A Trip To Walmart For Bottled Water Ended Up Costing Me $200
Ask anybody who knows me and they will tell you, 'he's a list guy.' You bet! I always have some form of list that's near by, whether it's my work 'to do' list, things I need to do when I get home or for the weekend. So, you would THINK that when I head out into the big, bad world to do some shopping that I would have a list with me, right? Well, not this time because I was only heading to Walmart

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