It seems to never stop, scam artists conjuring new ways to defraud you of your money and sense of security. Amarillo National Bank is seeing a wave of fraudulent calls to existing customers seeking information about their accounts.

The bank is reminding customers to not give out private information such as your debit card or online security access code. The bank is receiving calls from customers asking who is doing this.

Amarillo National Bank is telling the public it’s a scam and advises customers who receive a call where someone is asking for personal information to simply hang up immediately.

“We'll be able to look to assure the customer that nothing suspicious is going on and you know just be mindful of what you’re giving out to someone over the phone,” said Matt Ray, ATM & Debit Card Manager at Amarillo National Bank. “If somebody is asking you for that information it’s more than likely going to be a scam.”

No bank or financial institution will call you asking for your account information, because they already have it.


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