Danny Gallagher

12 Signs Your Airline Pilot Is Unqualified to Fly
Flight technology and transportation innovations may have made it easier to fly, but cutbacks throughout the airline industry have raised more health and safety concerns among consumers than a sushi-stuffed Hot Pocket.

Woman Who Lost Lottery Ticket May Still Get $1 Million
It takes a lot of luck to pick the winning numbers in a million dollar lottery. It takes a lot more to lose the winning ticket and still be able to claim the cash.

DogTV Is the New Cable Channel Dogs (and Dog Lovers) Actually Want to Watch
It seems that television is only catering to younger demographics, but one cable channel hopes to tap into a new group of TV enthusiasts by becoming the first network to provide wall-to-wall programming for — wait for it — dogs.

Ford Mutilates Mustang’s Classic, Iconic Design For 2015 Model
There are few things in life that are treated with as much reverence and respect as the Ford Mustang. Sure there may have been some noticeable changes in the later models from its earlier concepts and classic originals, but even the most modern edition has been able to maintain some semblance of its unique and iconic look…until now.

$1 Million Lottery Winner Also Wins Welfare Fraud Charges for Remaining on Food Stamps
Money may not buy happiness, but it just might buy you a whole heap of trouble.
One Michigan lotto winner discovered that firsthand after she was arraigned on two felony counts of welfare fraud.

Why Are Kids Playing ‘The Choking Game’?
Kids have always been good at inventing their own playground games.
One game, however, has proven to be quite dangerous for the little guys and gals. It goes by a dozen different names, but it can best be described as the ‘choking game.’

Newest Mensa Inductee Has 159 IQ and Is… 4 Years Old?
What were you doing when you were 4? If you were anything like us, you spent your days trying to keep up with the complex plots of ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.’
Four-year-old Heidi Hankins from Winchester, England, however, taught herself how to read at a rapid pace, complete basic arithmetic and even draw accurate pictures of people. Her latest IQ test gave her a score of 159.

Police Help Blind Woman Get Her Handwritten Novel Back
Nothing irks us more as writers than thinking up a great idea and forgetting it because we didn’t commit it to paper. This very lucky writer ain’t got nothing on us.

Scientific Study Finds Some Toxin-Free Nail Polish Has (Surprise!) Toxins
A study of different “toxin-free” nail products shows they may not be living up to their labels.

Honda’s New Anti-Theft Negotiator ‘Terii’ Is A Total Joke
This past weekend, Honda announced their new standard “anti-theft negotiator” for all cars. It sounded like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s next film role.

10 Signs Your Parents Take Easter Way Too Seriously
Easter is definitely one of the more kid-oriented holidays on the calendar. It features colorful eggs, a giant talking rabbit and more candy than even a Cadbury executive can stomach.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About April Fool’s Day
Every year on April 1st, office water coolers are spiked with white wine and computer mouses are glued to desks. Every year on college campuses, half empty buckets of water are placed on the top of dorm room doors and passed out bros are covered with marker ink. And throughout the world, the sound of chuckling and cackling can be heard echoing across its borders.