Check Out These 1989 Vintage KAMR Amarillo TV Commercials
YouTube continues to be a gem for Amarillo history, we found a couple of vintage commercials from January 7th, 1989, that's nearly 30 years ago!
Now, I'm not a long time resident of Amarillo so I'm not too sure the history of these businesses. I'm thinking Food Emporium is the 80's version of Drug emporium? I'm sure someone out there will correct me.
Royal Optical was in the Westgate Mall when it was in the western plaza shopping center.
I'm sure some longtime residents from Amarillo will remember these little gems. Here's a link to a bigger list of vintage Amarillo TV, thank goodness for the internet.
Royal Optical of Amarillo, Texas (1989)
The Food Emporium of Amarillo (1989)
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