So far this year, Amarillo has experienced two historic winter weather days. One broke the single-day record for snowfall, and the other was the first time we've received a fairly new weather warning. Yesterday, we made history for the first time when Amarillo received a snow squall warning. I was caught in it, and it was brutal.

Snow Squall Warning 2025 In Amarillo, Texas

When I first stepped outside on January 20 for my afternoon walk, there was just a little snow falling. It was pretty nice. The wind wasn't bad at all, and thanks to the multiple layers I had on I was nice and toasty.

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Then an alarm went off on my phone and I saw the snow squall warning. Things didn't look too bad, so I soldiered on. It didn't take long for that to change. The "squall" came in quickly and conditions deteriorated.

The wind picked up, and soon you could barely see.

What It Was Like In The Snow Squall On January 20, 2025

What started out as a decent afternoon quickly turned into a nightmare. The wind gusts began blowing the snow in what seemed like every direction. It felt like temperatures just instantly plummeted. I pulled my scarf up tight around my face and pressed on back to my house.

Charlie Hardin
Charlie Hardin

Visibility was almost completely gone at times. It was hard to see anything on the nearby road until it was almost beside me. Vehicles slowed to a crawl.

These fairly new snow squall warnings are great. Being warned about these conditions ahead of time is going to be nice in the future. I wish I had made a different choice to not continue on my walk.

Charlie Hardin
Charlie Hardin

Pay Attention To Winter Weather Warnings

It should go without saying, but pay attention to winter weather warnings. It was only a matter of minutes before things went from "okay" to "Dear Lord, please let me get home".

The exterior layer of my scarf was frozen. Portions of my coat and hood were frozen. I hate to think what condition my hands would have been in if I hadn't had my gloves.

When winter weather hits the area, check on those who may be at risk. Several resources in Amarillo offer a warm place to ride out the cold; from the Code Blue Warming Station to the various shelters we have in the area. These conditions can become deadly faster than you think.

First-Ever Snow Squall In Amarillo, Texas

On January 20, 2025, the Texas panhandle received its first-ever snow squall warning. Here is what it looked like inside the squall.

Gallery Credit: Charlie Hardin

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