Ginger Nelson Officially Gets Her Second Term as Amarillo Mayor
Stick a fork in Amarillo's mayoral race, it's done. The crazy square dance of a campaign included a show-down between incumbent Ginger Nelson and Claudette Smith, all but overshadowing the other two candidates, Michael Hunt and Carl Karas. Before I go any further, let me say that I don't have a dog in this fight and I'm just calling it as I see it being a newbie here.

The Recount to Win Strategy
The night of the election saw Nelson sitting at 54% to Smith's 29%. Normally, this wouldn't be grounds for a recount, as the mayor had more than 50.1% of the vote. But Smith was fully within her rights to file a petition seeking a recount. She was vocal in her suspicion that the results had been tampered with.
The Results
Sometimes things backfire and I'm a firm believer of the old adage "Be careful what you wish for." In the case of Claudette Smith, she got her recount, but she actually put a few more in the hands of her opponent Michael Hunt. Okay, so maybe 7 votes isn't exactly a blockbuster number--but that's all the more for him.
Smith now has to deal with two facts. One, she's $4,500 in the hole (at minimum) on the recount. Two, this is the second consecutive time Smith has ran for mayor and lost. For her part, Nelson thanked the Secretary of State inspector for conducting the recount as well as the voters.
Rule by mandate?
Even at 54 percent of the vote, Mayor Nelson does need to look at the fact that half of Amarillo may not be on board with what she does and I do hope she takes all of our voices into consideration when policy comes up. Nelson faces pandemic recovery and continued growing pains around Amarillo.
I think most of us here in town aren't so concerned about who's on office, we really want someone who shows results and gets it done. Personally I just want to know when the potholes in my neighborhood getting fixed and if someone will finally speak up and fix The Herring Hotel which could be a economic driver downtown and truthfully neither candidate really had much to say there.
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