Good News Grads; AISD To Have Traditional Graduation Ceremonies
In case you haven't heard yet, AISD has announced that they will be hosting traditional, "in-person," graduation ceremonies for 2020 graduates. There are, of course, some guidelines everyone will need to follow.
Social distancing will be practiced at the ceremonies. That means that the number of people allowed in attendance will be limited. Graduates are being given four tickets each to give to their families and loved ones.
Seating is going to be assigned by graduate's last name. That goes for assigned parking as well.
The graduation ceremonies will be held at Dick Bivins Stadium. Each school will be on a separate night.
Caprock High School's ceremony is scheduled for June 9.
Palo Duro High School will have their ceremony on June 10.
Tascosa High School's ceremony is on June 11.
Amarillo High School's ceremony will take place on June 12.
All of the ceremonies are scheduled for 8 PM.
Weather of course could be an issue. If the weather should cause a delay for the ceremonies, there are dates scheduled to make them up. Those dates are June 13, and June 14.
It's been a rough year on all of our students and school faculty members, especially for graduates. It's hard to imagine the uncertainty graduates face as they make plans to attend college or begin working, all in the midst of a global pandemic with historic unemployment statistics and college campuses sorting out how they're going to have class in the fall.
Congratulations to the graduates. As someone who graduated high school during the Iraq invasion and the start of the War on Terror, and graduated from theology school during the Great Recession, I'm rooting for you.