Here Is The One Major Problem With Amarillo’s Medi Park
My kids love Medi Park. They love going to the Discovery Center. In the warmer months, it's a usual stop for us on the weekend. This past weekend, though, I noticed something and it's been bothering me ever since.
Here is the one major problem with Amarillo's Medi Park.

For The Love Of Geese, Clean Up After Yourself!
I was shocked this weekend when my kids and I stopped by the park. All around the playground area (which is the high traffic area) there's was trash.
Empty cups, napkins, straws, food wrappers, and so on were all over the place.
Before we all jump aboard the "why doesn't the City clean it up" train, I think we need to take a step back and a look in the mirror. This isn't a City problem. This is an us problem.
Thank You To The Volunteers And City For The Work They Did
If you'll remember, there was supposed to be a clean up day over the weekend at Medi Park. That clean up was in response to issues created by the recent flooding. The day got cancelled. Why?
Volunteers and the City knocked it out before the scheduled day, according to the City. So, no need for one.
So, what gives?
This Problem Is More About Us Doing What We Know We Should
There are a lot of people at any given time at Medi Park. The splash pad, playground, walking/jogging path, and Discovery Center make it a pretty nice spot to take the family.
A lot of picnics, a lot of grilling, a lot of birthday parties happen out there.
If we would just slow down and make sure our trash is taken care of, then our park wouldn't look the way it often does. If a trash can is full, find another one so your stuff doesn't get blown all over the place.
And what is with the solo dirty socks you see from time to time at the playground? I understand kids taking off their shoes and socks to play, but I don't get why it isn't that rare to see one lone sock all by its lonesome all dried out and looking weird from laying in the sun for a couple of days.
We can do better around the playground area.
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