Here Is What You Need To Remember About Animals And July 4th
The Fourth of July, a day for barbecues and family gatherings. It is a day filled with tiny plastic flags and playing in the sprinkler. It's a night filled with fireworks (in some places).
This year, don't forget the animals when you get lost in your patriotic feels.

No, This Isn't An Anti Fourth Of July Rant
Quite the opposite, really. I'm all for remembering the battles fought to get us this far. I'm all for remembering the sacrifices made over and over in the name of freedom, and liberty. Even when we're at our worst, we can look back in our shared history to the ones who came before and honor what was given; so that we all could hopefully experience a better tomorrow.
I love what the Fourth of July represents. What it is.
I hate what it does to my pets.
Remember To Plan Ahead For Your Pets
You see it every year on July 4th on social media. Someone leaves their dog outside, a neighbor set off fireworks, and the dog got spooked. Now they need help finding their dog.
Make a plan ahead of time for July 4th when it comes to your pets.
We have two dogs, and on July 4th we don't leave them outside unattended. We grab the leash and take them outside, and promptly bring them back inside when they're done doing what they need to do.
We've even turned the TV up a little louder than usual to try and help distract the dogs. The sporadic booms, pops, and crackles really get them worked up.
Make a plan for your animals before the big day.
Whether it's turning up the TV and taking them out on a leash, giving them CBD gummies designed for pets, or just leaving town for the night; make a plan.