Advertising can make or break a company. Really. You come up with a catchy jingle and people will be singing it for days. You come up with a great marketing campaign and people will be talking about it still decades later.

Think back to some of your favorite commercials. How long ago did you see it? Oh, and you still remember it. Right?

That is what I came across when talking to my friend Terry Pedigo from G&P Associates. His advertising company had its hands in several of Amarillo's top campaigns. At the time he and his business partner Steve Gosselin worked on one of the best advertising billboard campaigns ever.

It is the one he is always asked about for Amarillo's former restaurant Santa Fe. They were located at 34th and Coulter. One end of the parking lot sat Santa Fe and the other side had All the Fixins. Bringing back memories, right?

Keith Boyd
Keith Boyd

The billboards that were all over Amarillo really caught everyone's attention. Terry said that this advertising campaign is one that he is still asked about all of the time. These were created by a very talented team over twenty years ago. So yeah to say they really did catch our attention.

They took a play on movies, TV, and everything pop culture that was cool at the time. They were very pun-ny. I was talking to my mom in Phoenix about those billboards and she even remembered them when she lived here.

A great advertising company is one that can have people talking about their work for decades. This will take on a trip down memory lane that is for sure.

The Punniest Santa Fe Restaurant Billboards

Santa Fe had some great billboards around Amarillo. They certainly caught your attention.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

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