Bigfoot Sighted Roaming In The Texas Panhandle
Bigfoot a myth or so we are told has been around since the beginning of time. What happens if bigfoot isn't a myth? Could bigfoot be real?
Bigfoot is a creature that towers over the land like a tree, yet covered in fur like an animal, with big giant teeth to scare or rip open its prey.
That or it's a big giant creature like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons. There have been bigfoot sightings all over the county and the world. Either bigfoot is a world traveler or he or she isn't alone. It must be a species that exists that hides and once in a while one strays into public view.
This creature is also known as a sasquatch or similar to the cold weather bigfoot, known as a yeti (not to be confused with the cooler or cups).
Fun Fact- Texas has a Texas Bigfoot Research Center
Now I haven't seen any official recording of a sighting of bigfoot in my research. The data on the research center website only goes through 2007, but their Facebook is up to date. However, on the BFRO site, Randall county had a bigfoot sighting in 2008
So does bigfoot exist in the Texas Panhandle?
If you happen to be driving around the Texas Plains, it is possible that you too might run into bigfoot. This big guy was sighted on FM1258.
In fact, a sighting has also been made at County Road B and County Road 21 in Gray County. It's been noted that a sighting of the same bigfoot was made in Fish Lake Valley in Nevada. Also, this fella has been seen in Alburquerque, NM.
It seems that this creature is mobile, but my question is, why the Texas Panhandle? Don't they like the colder weather or is it a different breed? Maybe, a prairie sasquatch?