Learn the History of Coffee at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum
It's the kick that gets our morning started. It's a pick me up to get through the rest of the day. It's also that special treat we give ourselves when we want to put a smile on our face. It's coffee. We drink it and let's just face it, do we really know where coffee got its start? Learn all about the history of coffee at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum.
WHEN: Saturday, March 26, 2pm
WHERE: Panhandle Plains Historical Museum - PPHM Hazelwood Lecture Hall 2nd Floor
COST: Entry fee to the museum.
Patrick Burns, owner of the Palace Coffee Co. will be bringing A Brief History of Coffee. He will talk about the first cup of Cowboy coffee and will speak about the different types of coffee you can get today. Plus he will talk about economics and coffee.
After the lecture you will be able to sample different types of coffee from the Baristas from Palace Coffee Co. Plus talk about the different techniques and roasts.