While Palo Duro Canyon State Park had been practicing social distancing, Governor Abbott has taken the next steps to keep Texans safe by closing all state parks. That means, for the time being, Palo Duro will be closed to the public. The new order takes effect on Tuesday, April 7, 5:00pm.

Along with Texas Parks and Wildlife, the new order also directs the Texas Historical Commission to close all historical sites. The sites will remained closed until Abbott deems it safe enough to reopen.

"The temporary closure of our state parks and historic sites will help us achieve this goal by preventing the gathering of large groups of people," read the statement in part. "I urge all Texans to continue to stay at home except for essential services as we respond to COVID-19. By following these social distance practices, we will overcome this challenge together."

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department says that even though the parks will be closed, the facilities and properties will still be maintained and cared for. They still want to encourage Texans to spend time outdoors even if it isn't within the parks.

"Outdoor recreational opportunities such as hunting, fishing, biking, jogging, walking, hiking, wildlife viewing, and the like are essential activities for Texas citizens," said Smith. "TPWD will continue to do its part to actively encourage and promote these opportunities in ways that are safe and close to home."

If you had a reservation, you will be refunded and all group reservations have been canceled until at least April 30.


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