
Tell Us Your Experiences With Daycares In Amarillo
Tell Us Your Experiences With Daycares In Amarillo
Tell Us Your Experiences With Daycares In Amarillo
When it comes to your children you want to make sure they are safe and in good hands when they are not with you. If you work outside the home, you have to trust someone else with watching your kids. How do you know for sure if that place or person is safe?
Change is a Hard Pill to Swallow
Change is a Hard Pill to Swallow
Change is a Hard Pill to Swallow
Today is a milestone for my son and also myself. Today we find ourselves turning the page on one chapter and starting a new chapter. Those words make it sound easy, but the truth is, it's not easy, it's hard and it hurts the heart.
Daycare Worker Charged with Putting Sleeping Pills in Children’s Food
Daycare Worker Charged with Putting Sleeping Pills in Children’s Food
Daycare Worker Charged with Putting Sleeping Pills in Children’s Food
When it comes to our children and our children's care we aren't always aware of what goes on when we leave them with their daycare, nanny, or sitter when we go to work.  We have to trust that we have made a good choice.  However, its stories like these that make me question the integrity of people.  It puts a fear in my heart and for any parent that has to leave their child in the care of another.