You know, how guys always say women over react about everything. Well, not everything, and yes labor is painful. Yesterday a video from LiveLeak kept popping up in my Facebook news feed and I finally had a chance to watch it today. Check out the video of two men going through a labor pain simulation.
You know the whole notion that men aren’t emotionally in touch with themselves? These guys in Venice Beach aren't doing a whole lot to dispel it. All they had to do was cry one measly tear and they would win. But they couldn't do it.
Hair is a powerful thing, a sign of true individualism in many cases. Hair is often one of the first things we notice about someone. But what happens when that confidence maker – that character-creator – decides to leave us? Well, some guys become absolute hermits, get embarrassed or feel sorry for themselves.
Trudging around the aisles of the huge supermarkets of America, searching for the rare but key items we always require is, quite frankly, a pain in the rear. Then we heard about the perfect solution: The new ‘Man-Aisle’ featured at Westside Market NYC’s store on the corner of Broadway and 110th Street.
Men sometimes roll their eyes when women gossip, but don’t let them fool you. They do it too — just about different things. And it actually has a positive effect on their friendships.
Men might not think like women, but they sure eat like ‘em. That’s why Wendy Meyers founded the Men Only Weight Loss program to help wean men off what she dubs “feminizing foods.”
A study released Friday by the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project finds that when it comes to social networks, women tend to be a lot less friendly than men.