You have to love a man who can bust out some romance when a flood is going on. Check out this video of a man romantically carrying his lady through the flood waters. Let's just say things quickly went south.
Valentine’s Day is upon us, so if you’d like to find the most romantic place to take that special someone, you might be surprised to find out just where in the US that is.
With Valentine’s Day approaching, I always think in my mind what I would like to happen. I think most women do. We have been trained by our moms, friends, V Day cards, magazines, commercials and movies to all think what real romance is.
The American Film Institute created a list of the 100 most romantic movies ever made. Because their list spans a good 7 or 8 decades, and doesn’t go past the ’90s, it doesn’t include a lot of our favorites. The movies that shaped our ideas of romance.
Food and romance are two of life’s pleasure, so why not combine them? According’s Valentine’s Day-themed 2012 survey, the two foods most likely to set the mood for love are…