I have always thought I could handle that 72 oz. steak challenge at the Big Texan. Really if you catch me on the right day there is no stopping me. I just have never been able to put my money where my mouth is.
You drive by it all the time. When you have out-of-town guests they want to see the 72 oz steak. They all think for a minute "Hey, maybe I can eat it" then they see the size of it and think better. I am talking about The Big Texan.
Amarillo has been on TV a time or two. When it comes to food we have some of the best. I mean we have food challenges. We also just have great food that people have to come to town to try.
It's fair to say we are pretty much use to the things that make Amarillo, well ummm, Amarillo. We love some things. Other things we are not sure why Amarillo is this way. Either way when we have family and friends visit we need to warn them of a few things.
A lot of people travelling to Amarillo know about The Big Texan Challenge. Heck we have plenty of competitive eaters come and try their hand at it. There are billboards all over, on the way to Amarillo, reminding people of this challenge.
I know it is not the outcome you anticipated. You pull out your turkey after it has been cooking all day. Regardless if you used the oven, the deep fryer, the smoker or even the Instant Pot, it didn't turn out right.