The Underpass at Ross and I-40 To Be Closed
If you travel I-40 and Ross get ready for some craziness starting at 7pm tonight.
The underpass at Ross and I-40 will be closed in both directions starting at 7pm tonight. Construction crews will placing bridge overhangs.
In order to do this safely, crews will be working overnight to make sure those are in place properly.
If you use the Ross and I-40 underpass in the evening, you will need to take an alternate route.
Coming up on Wednesday, the I-40 east bound on ramp and the west bound off ramp to Ross Street will close for a short amount of time, to realign traffic.
Keep in mind that with every closure and every inconvenience, that the construction at Ross is one step closer to completion.
Please note that all projects are subject to change because of weather, emergency work and unexpected events.
As always slow down in work zones and obey the traffic signs.
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