I must admit I was thankful that I was on vacation when the snow started coming down on Friday.  I knew that I could stay warm and cozy in my house and didn't have to worry about getting out and battling the roads.

Irina Igumnova
Irina Igumnova

So Saturday morning I wake up and peek outside my window and see the snow.  My entire driveway and street covered.  I grabbed my phone and texted my friend to see if she wanted to battle the snow for her birthday lunch.  Luckily, she said and I quote, "NO WAY, I'm staying in bed."

So back to bed I went.  E and I cuddled up under my electric blanket and we watched movies.  However, I have a 7-year old and there is snow on the ground.  We got our warm clothes on, jackets, scarves, toboggans, and gloves and headed outside.  While he tromped around in the snow I grabbed the snow shovel and began clearing my driveway.  SMACK-the first snowball flew across the back of my head.  Luckily, I had a shovel full of snow.   Afterwards, back in the house for a fire, hot chocolate and marshmallows.  Now I know this doesn't sound too bad.  It actually was fun, however, I didn't venture out on the roads.  No way!  I mean I had heard reports of over 60 wrecks.

Now here's why I don't like snow and ice.  So Sunday comes along.   Since I wasn't able to take my friend out for lunch on her birthday, we decided to do it on Sunday.  So I warm up my car (who likes a cold car).  E and I jump in and pull out of the garage, I mean that was easy since I shoveled the drive the day before.  We pull out on our street, a little slick but not too bad.  Here's where it gets crazy.  I pulled onto another street, I was trying to get to Western.  That's when it started...

I wasn't speeding, I was actually going quite slow.  My back tires started sliding, so I pumped my breaks, and steered into the spin, like you're supposed to, that didn't correct it and I started swerving the other way.  Next thing I know we are spinning in a circle in the middle of this street.  I am amazingly calm, thinking, "Dear God, please don't let us take out the curb and kill us and the car."  Then it happens, a snow drift next to the curb stops us and we perfectly parallel parked, (something I could never do if I was trying).

I took a deep breath as two SUVs passed us and just stared.  I smiled and waved.  E is in the back screaming, "Do it again, mom.  Do it again."  I simply said, no.  I found a place to turn back around and we were off to lunch. The ironic thing was, that half that street was melted when we came home.  I believe it was just waiting for me that morning, jealous that I hadn't been out to visit the day before.

I hate snow and ice!  It's cold and it can be mean.

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