Amarillo’s Football Season Is Here
Last Sunday was the last Sunday without football, until February. The NFL kicks off Thursday night and joins college and high school, as the biggest show in town.
The NFL kicks off Thursday night and joins the high school and college gridiron action. Before I got married, I promise my wife-to-be, that I only did one sport a year. So, we're talking Sunday afternoons and Monday nights..tops. And then a Sunday night game was added, followed by a Thursday night game. Like mana from heaven, The Red Zone came into my life and I can watch all the games at once. God bless technology. I'm keeping my promise...ONE sports. It's just on all the time,
I refuse to let any one person, group, or party ruin this for me. Some of the best memories of my family, involve watching Dallas Cowboys. I passed the tradition on to my sons, who have grown up and moved on, but they love some silver and blue.
The perfect Amarillo weekend would start with high school football on Friday night, college ball all day Saturday (Go Buffs Go) and NFL Sunday afternoons.Hardcore fans now have Sunday nights, Monday nights, and Thursday! I love stoking the fireplace, eating my wife's nacho's during halftime, and listening to the dogs snore, with the game on.
I AM ,,,ready for some football. And snow. And nachos.