Recently, we took a look at the district courthouse in Amarillo, Texas and the problem birds have created there. There's an unbelievable amount of bird...droppings. The ground in certain areas is a weird gray color, and it crunches when you step on it. What we found out recently, is that it isn't an isolated incident.

Why Is There So Much Bird Poop In Amarillo, Texas?

On a recent trip downtown, I was a little shocked to find an insane amount of avian fecal matter covering the ground at the district courthouse. So much so that the ground sounded like a bag of potato chips being smashed when you stepped on it. Yes, I stepped on it. For science.


I originally thought this was an isolated case. Maybe the trees by the courthouse were special trees that birds flock to so they can answer nature's call. I imagine it being a communal thing where they sit and have conversations in birdspeak while ditching their cargo if you know what I mean.

Have You Seen An Insane Amount Of Bird Droppings In Downtown Amarillo, Texas?

The truth is, it's not isolated to just that one area. People have been sharing their experiences in downtown Amarillo trying to dodge fowl excrement. We recently received these photos.

Nikki Biggs
Nikki Biggs

These photos were taken near Williams-Boyce in Amarillo, Texas. As you can see, the problem exists in more places than just the one courthouse. These birds have no respect for our city and the work we've done downtown to turn it into a kind of centerpiece for Amarillo.

Nikki Biggs
Nikki Biggs

If you have stumbled across an unfortunate pile left behind by some non-caring winged miscreant, use this form to let us know where and submit photos.

There must be something that can be done. Even if all of these "gifts" left by our feathered friends were to be cleared away, so to speak, that wouldn't solve the problem of them just coming back to do it again. We need some form of deterrent.

What Can Amarillo, Texas Do To Deal With The Bird Poop?

Perhaps we could use cats from the shelter. Release them downtown to get rid of the birds. It's probably not the best solution, as it would just create a second problem. Maybe we could invest in a small army of fake owls made out of plastic. We could put them in the trees downtown and ward off the birds. It would make the downtown area rather spooky year-round, but there wouldn't be as much bird ploppy to deal with. We could always install a legion of scarecrows.

Say You're From Amarillo Without Saying You're From Amarillo

Amarillo is a pretty quirky place. We've got the Big Texan, the weird signs, and (obviously) the famed Cadillac Ranch. But more than that, there's a distinct culture of close-knit community, eccentrics, a thriving arts scene, and much more.

The point is, living in Amarillo is a unique experience. Because of that, it's really pretty easy to tell who's a native or a long-time resident. And I can prove it.

Here's a couple of ways you can say you're from Amarillo.....without saying you're from Amarillo.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

More Bad Reviews of Places In Amarillo

So bad they're good...

You've got to read these confusing, amusing, and unintentionally hilarious bad reviews of Amarillo's major area attractions.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

Google Answers the Top 10 Questions About Amarillo

I love Google. It can literally answer ANYTHING you need it to answer. Whether it's right or wrong is a totally different question.

Recently, I found myself wondering about something and went to Google. And that's when I started noticing the "people also asked..." section and BOY...Some of them made perfect sense, some of them were interesting, and one of them was downright baffling...and it was a top 10 question which is even more absurd.

So let's see what we've got. Here's the top 10 questions as asked to Google about Amarillo.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

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