Dear Melissa Now Has An Anonymous Phone Line Just For You
If you've tuned in to Charlie & Melissa in the mornings on Mix 94.1, or you follow us on Facebook, then you know about Dear, Melissa. We've decided to add some new tech to the letters we receive.
From Letters To Phone Calls
We're all about connecting with you in as many ways as possible. We now have a dedicated phone number set aside just for you to call in with your Dear, Melissa letter instead of using email, Facebook, and the app.
The number is 806-318-8111. When you call, you leave a message that we will potentially use in one of our Dear, Melissa segments.
Don't Worry. It's Anonymous.
We honestly don't need your name, or the name of your coworker, spouse, kid, parent, or mother-in-law. We haven't made a habit of reading off names in the past, and that's not going to change.
Heck, Charlie will even mask your voice for you if you want. Just be sure to mention that in the message. If you don't, it will be added to our pool of calls and letters as is.
If you just don't want us to use your voice at all, mention it in your call and we'll just read off the transcript.
What Are We Looking For In A Dear, Melissa Call?
Thinking that your significant other could have wondering eyes? Having issues at the office with an overbearing boss or a coworker that chews with their mouth open? Disagreeing when it comes to an issue involving how to raise your kids?
Charlie and Melissa will help talk you through it, and so will our audience. Instead of just getting a second opinion, you'll get several.
Don't Miss Dear, Melissa Every Weekday around 7:45 AM
Tune in every weekday to hear the latest Dear, Melissa letter and be sure to give us a like and follow us on Facebook to comment on the letters we plan on discussing.
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