Best of Dear Melissa: Is it OK to Parent Another Person’s Child?Best of Dear Melissa: Is it OK to Parent Another Person’s Child?We are continuing our Best of Dear Melissa. This letter was first published on Facebook on July 12, 2022. Melissa BartlettMelissa Bartlett
Sending in a Dear Melissa Letter is Really Easy to DoSending in a Dear Melissa Letter is Really Easy to DoAre you looking for expert advice? Are you needing help solving a problem? Is your family arguing over something and you need someone to rule in favor of a side? We are here for you.Melissa BartlettMelissa Bartlett
Dear Melissa Now Has An Anonymous Phone Line Just For YouDear Melissa Now Has An Anonymous Phone Line Just For YouWhen you call, you leave a message that we will potentially use in one of our Dear, Melissa segments.CharlieCharlie
Dear Melissa: Should My 12-Year-Old Daughter Date?Dear Melissa: Should My 12-Year-Old Daughter Date?Kids grow up fast, but how fast is too fast? A father writes Melissa about his 12-year-old daughter's upcoming first date.Melissa BartlettMelissa Bartlett