Here’s an Amarillo Story of Big Goals, Covid-19, and Chuck Norris
While 2020 has left a lot of us angry, stressed, and disappointed; there are those among us who have been trying to make the most of it. That's especially true of Amarillo's Price Robinson, and his story has been making the rounds on social media and the news.

Price kicked off 'Fat Man on a Mission' with a goal of completing a 5K in every county in Texas. Price started it with two goals in mind, according to a piece in Texas Highways, continuing his weight-loss journey and to learn about Texas.
In the article he jokes about how fun it all sounded, until he found out how many counties are in Texas. Then he goes on to talk about his favorite 5K, so far, being the one that he got to meet Chuck Norris at.
He's been pushing himself, doing great, and working toward his final 5K in 2021. Then, Covid-19 happened.
I had gone to the Fat Man on a Mission Facebook page to learn more about Price and his goal, when I came across a video of him in the hospital. He had contracted Covid-19. He then did another update regarding his decision to participate in a trial of an experimental treatment.
My favorite post is where he refers to Covid-19 as B.O.O.S; Bastard Offspring Of Satan.
He has a few posts regarding B.O.O.S. and his recovery, and I'm glad to see he appears to be doing just fine.
Check out the article from Texas Highways here. There is a lot more information regarding Price and the beginnings of this incredible feat he's trying to accomplish.
Also, be sure to check out the Facebook page for Fat Man on a Mission, and let Price know you're rooting for him.
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