Is It True That DICK’S Sporting Goods Is Really Coming To Amarillo?
Since first landing on Amarillo's sacred soil, there have been rumored openings that just won't seem to go away. Cheescake Factory, Panera, Jack In The Box, In-And-Out Burger have all been rumored to be coming to town, with nothing ever coming of it.
So can it be true that DICK'S Sporting Goods is finally coming to Amarillo?

The Rumor Mill Is Working Overtime
The stories always start the same. A person knows someone who talked with someone at a store, and they spilled the beans but made them swear to secrecy. It's a promise they break immediately by going to social media.
They probably post inside the store while staring that poor cashier in the eye.
The latest and greatest of the rumor mill is that DICK'S Sporting Goods is moving in to Westgate Mall. Honestly, I find that really, really, hard to believe. So, I did some digging.
There's No Mention Of Amarillo On DICK'S Website
First things first, we head to the DICK'S Sporting Goods website and see if Amarillo makes the list of locations. As of right now, Amarillo isn't anywhere on the list; not even as a "coming soon."
So far, we're off to a rough start. Next step; send an email.
Still waiting to hear back from DICK'S Sporting Goods. I don't think that's a good sign.
There's No Mention Of DICK'S Sporting Goods From Westgate Mall
Remember when I mentioned I got my hands on a sales package that included a map of what is leased and what is available at Westgate Mall? No DICK'S on that map.
The map does include stores that are already in place, but it also has stores that have been confirmed to be moving in. No DICK'S probably means they're not coming in the near future.
Swing and a miss for strike two.
We Can Always Dream Though
Honestly, it would be awesome to have a DICK'S Sporting Goods in the area. For me, it's a pure nostalgia thing. I spent a lot of time there with some friends of mine I used to go paintball with on a regular basis. They ran a pretty decent deal on paint balls and air canisters from time to time.
Personally, I would love to see it. I'm not, however, getting my hopes up. These rumors are just that...rumors. At least, that's the way it looks for now.
As for Westgate Mall, as long as there's the construction going on I imagine that we'll be hearing a lot of rumors about what is going in.
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