It’s Most Delicious Time Of The Year
I look forward to Christmas for the same reasons you do. See the family, celebrate traditions, and of course, eat the goodies. I've been on the panhandle air waves, a long time and that comes with delicious consequences.
People like to bring us food during the Christmas season and I just love it. Most everything is homemade and some of our listeners take our requests!
I'm not sure how long I've known Sharon & Bill, but long enough that I don't remember meeting them. I'm on my 3rd station since then and yesterday, they showed up with what you see in the photo. Cookies, bread, fudge, more cookies.
My friend Carla found out I like a little divinity around the holidays. Yesterday, homemade divinity arrived. Better than Stuckeys!
We don't get to tell you "Thank you" enough. You certainly deserve it. Thanks for all the food, but also the calls, the texts, the emails, along with the hugs and handshakes. There would be no need for we radio types, if not for you. Every year, I'm most thankful for you who checks in every morning. Good times and bad, we're there for each other, and the friends we make over the year, is worth listening to the alarm go off early, every morning.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Happy New Year, and thank you for the friendships. It means more to us, than you know.