Amarillo is not patient. Oh, this I know. I am one of those who when we hear about a new place opening we want it open. I mean come on. I know starting a new business takes time. It does. I get it.

We have dealt with this before. How long did it take for us to get our Panera Bread open? Do you remember the wait for Roll Em Up Taquito? Oh, don't even get me started on Buc-ee's. It's been over a year since we heard about that place coming to Amarillo. I don't think they have even started construction yet.

There is yet another place that has been brought up several times in conversation. I also drive by it and see that the place looks ready to go. We just need it to open. I am talking about Volcano Korean BBQ.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

I know they had a job posting looking for managers recently. The posting has since expired.

Simply Hired
Simply Hired

Did they hire one? Are they in the process of training? I need to know. We really thought they were getting close. We thought they would be opening in March. Well, March has come and gone. We have been waiting patiently for almost a year. We first got wind of them coming to Amarillo last April.

Still no Volcano Korean BBQ. What is going on? I haven't seen any other job postings. No servers. No hostess. Just that one manager job. I know they will need to hire a whole staff before we can start really believing it is happening.

It's one of the most asked questions on social media. I am not the only one that is wanting to know what is going on. Will they ever open? Do we need to go picket in front of the location? Will that get their attention? I have tried to reach out to them with no response. Their Facebook page has been silent since September.

Come on we just want our Korean BBQ. We are trying to be patient but Volcano we want you to open, and open soon.

New in 2022: All The Restaurants That Have Opened in Amarillo So Far!

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Amarillo's Restaurant Closings in 2022

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