We made it! The coldest day of Help 4 The Holidays is officially behind us, so now we can really start to crank away. Now, that doesn't mean the wind has left us, and it's still cold as sin here in the morning but hey, it's not about us right?

It's about our community. It's about the residents of Amarillo who NEED our help. This isn't a want thing, this is a need thing.

I mentioned several times yesterday that one thing I love about the 806 is how the community bands together in times of need. The holidays can be exciting and joyful, but also stressful and depressing. You never know what someone's situation is unless they vocalize it to you.

Imagine it's your neighbor who can't keep their heat on, or maybe you have a family member that has to be outside without a coat. Think about trying to wash your hair and body, but not having shampoo or soap.

This is what Help 4 The Holidays is for. This is what it's about. Helping those around us that need us this holiday season. We're out at Wolflin Square right next to Silverland until 7 pm every...single...day. We've got four days left to complete the NEEDS lists for 20 local non-profits right here in Amarillo. Can you find it in your heart to come by today and start loading us down? We'd certainly appreciate it.

Live updates of how it's going below.

6:18 am: The wind was a real issue for us yesterday trying to keep our tent down. Big thank you to Jennelle and Misty for coming out early this morning with buckets of dirt for us to plant the tent in.

7:49 am: The big boss Chad just came through with some cinder blocks to help secure the tent even more. With all the reinforcements, I don't think you're going to see the tent blowing down I-40 today.

8:47 am: Big shoutout to Carol with today's first drop-off! She came through clutch with a load of much-needed arts and crafts supplies. Let's keep it going!

9:21 am: Thank you to the gentleman that came out and dropped off some boys underwear, some warm thermal wear, and a pack of socks. I completely forgot to ask his name, so if you're reading this, you know who you are. Thank you!

10:06 am: We owe a big thank you to Rick, Beth, and Janet! A nice little rush with the three of these wonderful people bringing some great items we need. Clothing, socks, underwear, hygiene items, reading glasses, baby rash ointment, and so much more! Thank y'all for coming through!

11:10 am: It's been an eventful hour to say the least. We've lost a leg on the tent, flat out snapped off. We have had to take down the side walls and back wall to the tent so our protection from the wind is gone. However, Rick, Becky and Cheryl rolled through in the last 10 minutes and brought a TON of items. Blankets, hygiene items, clothes, and cleaning supplies. Another gentleman came over with a bag of blankets and mentioned he was coming back with seven bags of clothing a bit later. I'll get his name when he comes back. Keep it coming Amarillo! We're starting to do some damage now!

11:57 am: Big thank you going to Silvia for dropping off a ton of paper towels, toilet paper, hygiene items and kids underwear! Things are really starting to pick up out here on the donation front and we can't thank you enough Amarillo. Still 3 1/2 days to go, so we're far from done. Let's keep it going!

1:03 pm: Definitely going in bunches with the donations, and we're loving how you're showing up. Let's not stop now! Designate someone at the office to be the "shopper", everyone pitch in like $10 a piece and watch how much damage you can do! I know sheet sets and comforters are on sale at Walmart, and we could definitely use some of those.

1:35 pm: Gotta say thank you to Joanne who stopped by with a HUGE parcel of paper towels, a box of diapers, a boatload of toilet paper, and 16 bars of soap. Loving the giving spirit of you Amarillo, it looks good on you. Let's start another rush!

3:07 pm: Well we were asking non-stop for warm clothing, and someone rolled up (who wished to remain anonymous) handed us 2 giant boxes and a couple of trash bags FULL of men's clothes. Can't thank you enough for these! Right behind him was Sam who dropped off a big box of diapers, several tubes of toothpaste and a huge pack of toothbrushes. As Sam left, Karen pulled up with a big bag of women's clothing that is needed as well. THIS IS AWESOME! Keep it coming Amarillo, we love ya!

3:14 pm: Mary & Tony coming through in the clutch with a box of size 5 diapers (5 and 6 are the most needed sizes), a TON of hygiene items as well as some puzzles for the kiddos. Thank you guys!

5:05 pm: The drive home has officially begun. Think you could make a small detour out to Wolflin Square next to Silverland to drop off a couple things for us?

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