Join the Amarillo NAACP to Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Monday is officially the day we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Amarillo Branch of the NAACP invite you to join them this Monday to honor Dr. King.
Amarillo Branch of the NAACP will be honoring the life and legacy of Dr. King with their annual march.
WHEN: Monday, January 16th, 11am
WHERE: MLK Park - 1501 W. Amarillo Blvd.
The march will begin at MLK Park and move towards downtown Amarillo. The march will crass the DeVaugh-Cortez Connector then east on SW 3rd, then south on Fillmore and ending at the old Potter County Courthouse.
The march will be followed with a program honoring Dr. King at 12 noon, featuring Amarillo Police Cheif Ed Drain. If you are unable to walk in the march, alternative transportation will be available from MLK Park to the courthouse.
Everyone is welcome to attend the march and program honoring Dr. King and his dream