June Jams Brings Live Music Back To Canyon
There is nothing like getting out and seeing live music and for folks in Canyon or those ready to make the quick trip from the Yellow City, there's a treat waiting at Neblett Park. The folks over at Canyon Main Street are bringing back June Jams which will bring live music every Thursday night in June.
I think we're all about ready for a good show, and this one comes with a great price tag, It's free! You need to bring your own lawn chairs or blankets but hey what do you want for the money. They also don't mind you bringing your own munchies. Looking at the event, there isn't really any info about food and drink vendors but being that you're in Canyon there is plenty of great local fare worth picking up before the show start at 7:30. My advice the earlier you're there the better.
Oh and if you want to bring Fido along, you can as long as they are on a leash and you pick up after them. People who don't always have me scratching my head. Wait.. let's get back to the music here.
The Line Up.
The series kicks off next Thursday with Amarillo group Seth Ward and The Silence who have been busy touring across the state promoting their new single, a more uptempo song, Lucky Strike.
The event has been growing over the years with an average crowd of about 800 as of 2019. which makes it a good intimate not too big, not too small event well worth the quick trip to Canyon. Keep up with the festival on the Canyon Main Street Facebook Page