Saturday morning, I got up early.  Yes, Saturday one of the days I can sleep in past my regular weekly time, I'm up before the sun.  I'm sitting in my chair enjoying a glass of milk (I've been trying to get away from coffee.  You just gasped didn't you), when my son looks out the window and says, "evil teenagers".national toilet paper day 4

My reply was, what are you talking about, and he says, "momma there is toilet paper all over our tree."

My first reaction was really, no way, but sure enough my fruitless Mulberry Tree is covered in the white stuff.  I kinda giggled under my breath.   I looked at him and said go put your clothes on, we have some work to do.  I went into my room and got dressed, grabbed  a hat (I mean who wants to do their hair and make-up to clean up toilet paper), and grabbed a trash bag.

As, I am picking up the soggy mess on the ground I'm thinking, "who would have done this?  I'm not in with a group of teenagers who would think it would be cool to TP the house."  So whoever did this thought it was someone else's house, or I just have a really awesome tree (which I do).

In that moment as I'm ripping strand of toilet paper from branches, I realized just how old I'm getting.  I'm not angry.  I just laughed it off.  However, as I'm picking up whole rolls of TP off the ground,  half rolls still hanging, I'm thinking, "what a waste of good toilet paper, this stuff is expensive.  Some momma is gonna be mad when she realizes half her toilet paper is missing."


Oh well, I filled a trash bag full and still have a few strands flying in the wind because I couldn't reach them.

So when was the last time you TP's someone's house or you yourself got TP'd.


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