Panhandle Facebook Group Helps With COVID-19 Needs And Questions
A Facebook Group called Panhandle COVID-19 Home Help is coming to the aid of Texans who are in need of supplies or need answers to questions. With nearly 10,000 members this is an essential group to use during this time of uncertainty.
This group was created to assist those in Amarillo and surrounding areas who are in need during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Find the group on Facebook here.
From the Groups creator:
Hello Kind Humans,
Thank you for your patience as we craft this page to serve the needs of those mentioned in our initial mission statement.
In order to meet the needs of our community I am asking that you read through the rules below carefully. It is IMPERATIVE that you structure future posts according to these rules otherwise they will not be posted to the page. This is to ensure that those who are asking for help are taken care of. There are so many of you who want to help and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that but it is difficult to find the needs amongst all the offers of help.
I have an amazing group of people willing to volunteer their time to help make this group a success and we are excited to get started.
Going forward there will be two kinds of posts
This is to ask to fulfill a need
Please write “ASK” at the beginning of your post.
- State what city you are in ( its not necessary to specify neighborhoods)
- list your needs.
-be specific.
-Stick to the essentials.
-state whether you are able to pay for the items ( IF you can pay for your ASKS please do so. If you can’t its ok just make that part of your ask. We will help you)
Please refrain from explaining why you need the items you are requesting. I trust you, I know you are in need and while I want to hear your stories they are taking up too much room in the feed and we need to identify needs quickly so we can mobilize to help you.
These will be posts to offer items that you will give to those in need. I am asking that these are true gifts I.e. do not ask for compensation of any kind.
-Write “GIVE” at the beginning of the post.
-state what city you are in ( its not necessary to specify neighborhoods)
- List your give (s) if possible, include a photo ( it doesn’t have to be fancy, just enough to let people easily see what you are giving).
Those who want to fulfill an ASK or claim a GIVE must respond to the post itself.
Once the exchange has been agreed upon I am asking that the original post be updated to say “FULFILLED” and one of our admins will delete the post as soon as they are able. This will ensure that we don’t have old posts that have been fulfilled clogging up the feed.
- The best way for exchanges to be made is within your own city
- Please stick to items such as food, over the counter medication, hygiene essentials. Not tasks or chores.
- I will create specific Posts for things like where to find supplies and other info I deem relevant to the group.
- Please note that we are not responsible for your safety. I strongly encourage you to be mindful and use your own best judgement in exchanging personal information on how to access donations/deliveries.
- All personal information should be made via private message.
- Beware offers including shipping or digital payment - dealing with locals will be your safest bet
- Use extreme caution in handling goods exchanged- remember that contagion is still a real and active part of this and you must be responsible for wiping down items or using your best judgment in containing contaminants.
Peace and Love,