Mysterious Man Shares Legendary Amarillo Pizzeria’s Best Recipes….Then Disappears
I went and looked earlier today for a Facebook post that originally made me do a double-take. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. It's not that I probably couldn't have figured it out on my own, but seeing the recipe for one of my favorite pizzas in print seemed like hitting the jackpot in a really weird way.
For a tiny moment of time, one of my favorite local recipes was public knowledge.
Deconstructing A Local Pizza Classic
I don't want to stir up any more drama than what has already been stirred up. I won't link to any info. If you missed it, you missed it.
I do have the screenshot on my phone just to prove the post actually existed.
The funny thing is, the pizza itself isn't that crazy of a concept. It's just a jalapeno popper pizza from Pizza Planet. We're not exactly splitting atoms with the concept. Most of the ingredients are in the name.
My excitement came from just how much I love the jalapeno popper pizzas at this Pizza Planet, and their insanely addictive salads. It still makes no sense to me that their salads are as good as they are.
As You Might Have Guessed, Some People Were Upset By All This
From what remains of the entire fiasco, it's evident people were split on all sides over the overshare. After getting insight into how one can make restaurant style ranch dressing, and info on how to make a certain type of salad, the posts just dried up.
I'm not a fan of the drama, but I do freaking love those jalapeno popper pizzas and salads. While seeing the recipe and how to make it was a...neat...look behind the curtain, so to speak, at the creation of one of my local favorites, I"m not going to give up having someone who knows what they're doing make it. I burn Pop-tarts.
Just saying.