Potter County Offices To Remain Closed
New Year New Me is what we hear a lot going into the New Year. It seems this year the saying is a little different.
I mean we still want to do better but I am talking more about the year in general. It should be New Year and same ol same ol. Meaning some things that we ended the year 2020 with will extend a bit this year. At least for the time being. That includes some offices here in Amarillo.
So with that being said it was recently announced that Potter County is going
to continue with their buildings being closed through at least January 15th. Of course we can continue to thank Covid 19 for this.
That means that all building owned by Potter County will remained closed. The only exceptions will be the tax office and courts. The Santa Fe Building will also remain opened. So it is better to be safe than sorry. Call first before making any attempt to just show up. When it comes to reasons to visit those buildings anyway it is always better to make an appointment first if you can anyway.
The offices closing of course started with the pandemic early in 2020. Hopefully now that the vaccine has made it to Amarillo and people are starting to receive it maybe there will be an end in sight. Maybe we can go on with our life as normal. Our businesses can do that too. But for now we just have to know that is not the case. For now just know most of the Potter County Buildings will remain closed.