Ross Under I-40 Will Be Closed this Week and Other Closures
If you travel under I-40 and Ross be prepared to find an alternate route this week. Let's face it if you travel I-40, try not too this week or you'll be stuck in traffic fora very long time. Plus all the fun happening on Bell.
- Thursday, Oct. 18, I-40 traffic was moved to the far right lanes of the new bridges over Ross and Arthur streets allowing the next phase of work to begin. In addition to being aware of the lane shift that begins at the I-27 and I-40 interchange to accommodate this new traffic pattern, motorists should be prepared to find alternate routes or add extra time into their commute for the following anticipated closures:
- I-40 underpass at Ross Street will be closed from Monday, Oct. 22 to Thursday, Oct. 25 for bridge demolition.
- I-40 underpass at Arthur Street will be closed from Monday, Oct. 29 to Thursday, Nov. 1 for bridge demolition. - Weather permitting, overlay work on eastbound I-40 will continue and motorists should expect various ramp and right lane closures just after Washington Street for this operation.
- In both directions of I-40, expect various lane closures from Helium Road to Adkisson Road and from Nelson Street to Pullman Road for patching repairs.
- Watch for various lane closures on FM 1541 (S. Washington Street) in both directions for fog seal operations from I-27 to State Loop (SL) 335.
- Turnaround lanes on 26th Avenue at I-27 will be closed at various times so the contractor can clean and paint the steel beams under the bridge.
Update City of Amarillo Bell Street:
City crews continue to work on Bell St. between Hillside and 34th. Crews are working in the right hand northbound lane from Hillside Road to 45th Avenue. Northbound traffic is reduced to one lane. There are lane closures in the right hand northbound lane from 45th Avenue to 34th Avenue. The right turn lane from eastbound 45th Avenue to southbound Bell Street is closed for drainage improvements. Lane closures will also occur over the next few weeks while contractors working for the city adjust manholes and valve boxes in preparation of milling and overlay operations. There may be other lane closures in this area as city crews make repairs due to recent rain.
The overlay work is expected to begin the first week of November.
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