Texas One Step Closer To Easier Access To Its Only BLM Land
Not too long ago, I learned about the Cross Bar SRMA. If you're unaware, the only BLM public land in the entire state of Texas, is just north of Amarillo. While it is, somewhat, accessible it feels like something incredibly special that many don't have access to. And they should.
Well, it looks like Texas is one step closer to having easier public access to its only BLM land.
There's Been Some Really Great News Regarding The Cross Bar
The Open Cross Bar Facebook page, which I recommend following for updates, recently posted that they've made the shortlist for the FLAP Grant. This grant is the Federal Lands Access Program grant.
According to the post, the process can now begin on planning getting all of us easier access to the Cross Bar. Their website has an announcement stating that this fall there will be more information.
Potter County Is Going To Match Funds
The news came out yesterday. Reports are that Potter County has agreed to a 39% matching of funds to help realize the dream of getting a road built so that the public has easier access to the Cross Bar.
This is great news for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts.
Still A Long Way To Go, But This Is Progress
Before anyone gets too excited, this is going to take a while. According to reports, the construction on the road could possibly start next year.
What's exciting is that now planning can begin on getting everyone access to the Cross Bar. It's gorgeous land that holds a lot of potential for outdoor enthusiasts in the area.
Some Things Are Definitely Worth Waiting For
While we would all love to have this road and access to this land with camping and hiking set up tomorrow, it's just not going to work out that way. It's going to take time.
Which is fine. This is the only BLM land in the state of Texas, and it's great to hear that progress is being made in making sure the public has access to it.