Tis’ The Season To Be Distracted
The month between Thanksgiving and Christmas, could be the busiest time of year for everyone. The workplace wants to make all the money it can before the year ends; Christmas shopping for family friends has to be finished; my wife's birthday happens in that time, and I'm read to tell the year adios.
It's brain overload for most of us and some information just can't stay in our brain matter. I spend most of the year looking for my keys and when Christmas time gets here, I add to the list of things I lose. Keys of course, jackets, and the picture shows the day I couldn't find the remote, until I looked in the fridge. Right there, next to my Sonic drink.,
This was a year I didn't expect. I changed jobs, my beloved Sheltie, Romo, went to the Rainbow Bridge, and I developed an ulcer. Actually that had more to do with the old job.
This Christmas, I want to slow way down. I need to live for the day, rather than for the end of the week, month, and year. I'm encouraging everyone I know to do the same. The season should be about others, rather than myself. I'm enjoying Mix's Christmas music-especially after I've seen and heard, how happy it makes others.
Our oldest will get here Christmas day. We thought our Marine might be home as well, but our country needs him elsewhere for now.
I am thankful, blessed with family and more friends then I deserve. So, I'm going to enjoy this season, one day at a time. Hopefully the remote will stay out of the fridge, my keys will be in plain sight, and we get a new puppy after the first of the year.
Take the time to smile at people you don't know. Hugs your family and friends, and let them know, you took the time to think of them.
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