When Was The Last Time You Saw Gas This Low In Amarillo?
I remember back when I first started driving and gas was about 99 cents per gallon. That seems like such a long time ago I know.
I also remember panicking when I saw the gas prices raise up around that time to about $1.12 per gallon.
I was wondering how I could afford gas for THAT price. It seemed ridiculous! Then came the days it jumped over $2 per gallon. Oh and then it climbed to even over $3. What was this world coming to?
I remember seeing people all around town complaining about the price of gas.....oh and that was way before Facebook was a thing! Did you ever think you would see a time that it would lower below $2 a gallon again in your lifetime?
I sure know I never did. It seems we have seen a Holiday Miracle here in Amarillo. Right around the time Thanksgiving was approaching, we saw the price of gas go down all over Amarillo. Aren't we the people who are used to it jumping up around the holidays? Regardless!
I thought for sure this had to be a fluke for the Panhandle. I kept watching to see how long this was going to last. It made it through the Christmas Season.....and now we are approaching the New Year. Oh and it is still under $2.
It is definitely a Texas Panhandle Miracle. It's all I can say. I also have to say how much United Express has made gas even cheaper. I always save my Rewards Points so that my daughter could use them to get an even better price for the already low gas prices.
I had a few points about to expire today. So I told her to go when she needed gas.....but definitely before this day ends and those points go bye-bye. I also told her to take a picture of the price she paid for gas. Here it is:
Is that a beautiful sight or what? She paid $1.26 per gallon with my 5 rewards points. Which means gas still was only $1.76. Let's see how long we can keep this up (oops I mean keep prices down) here in Amarillo!
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