Why Does It Seem So Hard To Get Rid Of Abandoned Vehicles?
You've seen them. I've seen them. On the side of the road, or in a parking lot. While it may not seem like a full on invasion, there are those vehicles that just seem to sit for a very long time.
Why does it seem so hard to get rid of abandoned vehicles?
Getting Rid Of An Abandoned Vehicle Apparently Takes Time
First, the answers aren't cut and dry. The rules vary slightly depending on where you are. Yay for city ordinances.
That being said, almost everywhere you look, owners of the vehicle have to be properly notified. Notifying the owners can take some time.
For instance, several years ago Canyon's efforts to deal with abandoned vehicles made headlines. The amount of time the vehicle had to wait before feeling the loving embrace of a tow truck? 72 hours. Six whole days.
Digging all over the web for some answers regarding Amarillo, all I kept being directed to was the place to file a complaint. The link I clicked on just opened my email application.
As far as the state of Texas goes, there's an allowance for a period of time in which the owner of the vehicle must be notified, or at least some effort has to be made to notify them.
There's A Piece Of Me That's Grateful It Isn't Cut, Dry, And Easy
Should my car ever break down on the side of the road, and I have to leave it for whatever reason, I'm glad to know that my car won't wind up in an impound lot at the first sign of no one being around.
Even worse, I would hate for it to be scrapped and turned into some kind of hipster coffee maker made of 100% recycled materials.
While the property may seem abandoned, you do have to think about those that are traveling through who may have broken down on the side of the road or had to leave their vehicle parked for whatever reason.
While seeing the same vehicle ditched on the side of the road day after day may ever-so-slightly impact your view of the sunset, hopefully that person is on their way back to get their wheels.