WT Small Business Development Center Offers a Digital Video Workshop
Video is now something every business needs to know about. Videos are everywhere and they are great ways to promote your business. So if you would like to learn the best practices for making videos for your business, social media, etc., then you definitely want to get a team together and attend this event.
WTAMU Small Business Devlopment Center presents the Digital Video Workshop and Business Mashup this Friday, June 27th.
Digital Video Workshop
8am-9am at the Small Business Development Center, 701 S. Taylor (Happy State Bank building), suite 118
3 video experts on-hand to give you the ‘Why’, ‘What’ and ‘How’, before sending you out to shoot your own video.
Instruction features Eric Spellman, Owner Spellman & Associates, Alessio Miceli, Interactive Producer, American Site Builders, and Roger Lindley, Filmmaker, Korban Motion Pictures and Ragtown Media.
Fee is $20 per team and also includes the Business Mashup portion at Crush
8am-9am - Video Workshop - The 'Why?' 'What?' and 'How' of creating marketing videos for business.
9am-4pm - Each individual or team that is participating will go out and start shooting their own video.
4pm-6pm - Business Mashup. This is the conclusion to the video workshop. Participants will preview each team's video and discuss among the experts and the others in the room. There will be networking time, wine and beer and hors d' oeuvres for all participants.
Business Mashup
4-6pm at Crush Wine Bar & Deli, 701 S. Polk
Previews of the videos taken after the morning workshop will be shown and discussed with the experts and other participants for the Business Mashup section.
Learn video Do's and Don't's, network, and enjoy good food and drinks.
Admission includes drinks and eats - $10 in advance, $15 at the door. If you sign up for the morning Video Workshop, the Business Mashup is included in the price.
For more information please visit smallbusinessdevelopmentcenter.com or call 806-372-5151.