According to a New Study Texas Is Not a Safe Place to Live
I don't know about you, but I sure love being a Texan. I think we live in one of the greatest states in this country. For the most part people are friendly and courteous.
I still love the fact that when you're driving down a back road and you pass someone they still wave. That's a good thing in my book. However, according to a new study, Texas may not be the safest place to live.
WalletHub conducted a study about the safest states to live in the country and Texas our Texas came in at #47. That's not a good thing at all.
How did they determine which states were safe and which states weren't? WalletHub used these 4 key factors to determine the safety of each state, personal and residential safety, financial safety, road safety, workplace safety and emergency preparedness.
Also found in the study:
Safety in Texas (1=Safest; 25=Avg.)
- 27th – Murders & Non-Negligent Manslaughters per Capita
- 29th – Assaults per Capita
- 42nd – Loss Amounts from Climate Disasters per Capita
- 32nd – Fatal Occupational Injuries per 100,000 Full-Time Workers
- 37th – Fatalities per 100 Million Vehicle Miles of Travel
- 21st – Law-Enforcement Employees per Capita
- 38th – Sex Offenders per Capita
- 50th – Share of Uninsured Population
The safest state in the country is Vermont, with Mississippi coming in last.