Being a parent of now three kids, safety in the car is of paramount importance to me.

I won't even think about moving that car until my two boys have buckled themselves in and we know our infant daughter is fastened well into her seat.

So as I heard this story about what happened a few days ago here in Amarillo, my parent rage kicked into high gear.

In case you hadn't heard yet, a toddler fell from a MOVING CAR on Monday. Really, you read that right.

Now look, the only way anyone can fall from a moving car is if they aren't strapped in right? With this being a toddler, they're clearly still in a car seat, not even a booster seat.

This means the child had to have taken off the seatbelt (which may not have even been on in the first place), crawled out of the seat, opened the door and jumped or rolled right out.

As a parent, tell me how you don't hear or see any movement coming from the backseat in that situation. I mean, it's unfathomable to me.

Witnesses say they heard a screaming child on Amarillo Blvd West, laying on the asphalt. As some passerby's were heading over to help the child, someone picked up the child and said she was the mother.

She put the toddler in the car and off they went.

Police are currently searching for the child as they want to check the wellbeing of the toddler. Bystanders reported seeing injuries on the child (which you'd expect) so I'm sure they want to make sure the child is ok. I also bet they want to see if it was actually the mother of the child that picked up the toddler, and also ask a few questions as to how that even happened in the first place.

Please let this serve as a reminder to check your kids before you go anywhere. Make sure they're properly strapped in, and keep an eye on them during the drive. They're curious beings, and can move relatively quickly during things.

Amarillo's Most Wanted: Help Bring These Fugitives to Justice

These are the fugitives who make up Amarillo's Most Wanted list. The individuals on this list have been accused of serious crimes and are considered a danger to society.

If you have any information about these FUGITIVES, you are urged to call Amarillo Crime Stoppers at (806) 374-4400 or submit a Web Tip by visiting THIS LINK


You do not have to give your name. AMARILLO CRIME STOPPERS will pay a reward of up to $300 and you WILL remain anonymous. 

Updated as of 1/20/2022

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